Box Buster

Box Buster

Varenummer: UK-10050

Buster has four modules, which gives you many opportunities to hide both treats under the bones and food in the food frames. Adjust thedifficulty by closing the pockets loosely or tightly.

Build & Play

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We use the strongest soft and clean materials we have been able to find. All products are made in phthalate-free tarpaulin, which is used in the manufacture of knife-stopping aprons for the food industry. Unfortunately, in some cases we have experienced that dogs’ incisors can penetrate the material when the activity toy is no longer used for activation, but as a chew toy. Therefore, the correct presentation of the toy is important, so the dog understands it must solve puzzles for treats and not chew the toy to pieces.

You open the Velcro, place a treat, and fold the Velcro back so it wraps around the treat. The concept behind Pet-Pocket is easy for dogs to understand - but it's a good idea to help your dog get started. A good way is to sit on the floor and pack the Pet-Pocket with treats while your dog is watching.

It is a good idea to show the dog how the Velcro is opened and close a few of the pockets very loosely so your dog quickly understands the concept. If your dog is very small, the pockets may be difficult to open - here you can also help the dog by simply closing the Velcro halfway.


Levels viser hvert produkts sværhedsgrad. Nogle produkter har potentiale til at dække over flere niveauer. Det vises ved en pil fra ét level til det næste. Du kan altid bygge et level 1 produkt sammen med et level 2 eller 3 produkt for at øge sværhedsgraden.

Level 3

Level 3 er for de dygtige opgaveløsere, som er gode til at bruge snuden, tænder og poter til at løse opgaver.